Tourism in the CIS countries is gaining popularity every year, the infrastructure of resorts is undergoing changes, and low prices and exoticism make holidays in CIS countries desirable for many tourists. In addition, in some countries, cultural recreation can be combined with the game.

This collection includes several areas of the CIS countries, which are gaining increasing popularity due to their special climatic and environmental conditions, which are ideal for relaxing in the summer. Since in the summer, recreation is in demand, we have gathered several wonderful lakes in the CIS, where you can relax in the wild.

Lake Sevan, Armenia

Among the resorts of the CIS, Armenia enjoys consistently high demand, which has even increased in recent years. Tourists come here year-round to explore the ancient architecture, cultural and historical monuments and natural monuments. A separate direction of tourism is junket tours in the best casinos of Yerevan.

In summertime, Lake Sevan, located in the Caucasus Mountains, becomes especially popular. Sevan is considered to be the largest lake in the Caucasus, surrounded on all sides by mountains. Fresh lake water with many sources, due to the high degree of mineralization has a beautiful azure hue. Since Sevan is located in the mountains, there is quite comfortable temperature without exhausting heat in summertime.

In addition, you can easily go fishing, ride catamarans or even water skiing. On the coast of the lake there are several ancient cultural monuments, including operating monasteries Sevanavank and Ayrivank.

In the evening you can go to Michael Boettcher’s Shangri La, which is next to Yerevan. This is one of the best casinos in Armenia, which is also popular for foreigners. The number of guests from neighboring countries has grown in recent years, said Darren Keane, Storm International Managing Director.

Lake Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan

Tourism on the Issyk-Kul lake in Kyrgyzstan is popular both in summer and in winter. And if in the summer time travelers come here to swim and sunbathe, then in winter the ski lodge opens its doors.

Lake Issyk-Kul is considered salty, it is located between the ridges of the Northern Tien Shan. The good location provided the resort the opportunity to combine a beach holiday with mountain tourism. The climate at the resort also contributes to the influx of tourists, since precipitation is quite rare here, and there are more sunny days a year than at the resorts of the Black Sea. By the way, the lake has a high degree of mineralization, therefore its mud is considered to be curative.

Lake Balkhash, Kazakhstan

Lake Balkhash is located halfway between the north and south of the country, between the two major cities - Astana and Almaty. Balkhash is a drainless lake and is divided by a narrow isthmus, which divides the reservoir into two parts: on the one hand it is freshwater, on the other hand - salty.

Lake Balkhash is one of the largest salt lakes, giving way the championship only to the Caspian Sea. At the same time, the lake is relatively shallow, and the coast is completely flat, not counting the rocky cliffs in the west of Balkhash. Tourism is developed quite well at Balkhash, this is confirmed by the numerous recreation centers located on the shore of the lake. The coast here is mostly sandy and flat, which is comfortable for relaxing and swimming.

Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan

Baku and the surrounding area are considered one of the best resorts in the CIS. Located on the shores of the Caspian Sea, the city has an excellent climate and recreational conditions, developed resort infrastructure.

A holiday in the vicinity of Baku is an opportunity to combine a beach holiday on the Caspian coast and a tour of cultural attractions in the city itself (the distance between the resorts and Baku is about 20-50 km).

The swimming season lasts in Baku from June to September, when the water warms to a comfortable temperature. For sightseeing tourism, you can come to Baku all year round. The infrastructure of the city and beach resorts in the vicinity of the Absheron Peninsula develops from year to year, today it is not a problem to find a suitable hotel complex.

Источник: Anton Mukha April, 3 2019

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