Our service center has been repairing office equipment for several years already, performing all work professionally, efficiently, and on time. Our company also repairs shredders. This technique is quite common in modern offices, and therefore breakdowns of this equipment are quite common. Our engineers have extensive experience working with paper shredders of various models, brands and modifications, therefore they are able to perform repairs of any complexity. Many organizations have already appreciated our reliability and quality of work, having restored the functionality of office equipment. Practice shows that it is cheaper to repair equipment than to buy a new one. Therefore, cooperation with us is an opportunity to significantly reduce costs. And the repair of shredders is an excellent confirmation of this. After all, these devices are quite expensive, and buying a new device may seem expensive.

Shred Monster offers professional paper Fort Collins shredding service in Colorado and cities such as Windsor, Loveland, Greeley, and more. We offer document shredding near me made to your specific needs including hard drive destruction, scheduled shredding, and more.

Broken shredder: causes and features of malfunctions

Most often, document shredders fall into repairs, which were faced with daunting tasks. Simply put, the repair of paper shredders may be required if the operating conditions of the device are violated: to grind something too hard in it, try to "stuff" documents into it faster than the device can process them ... It should be noted that there seemed to be However, a simple and reliable device is more than enough. Here are the main symptoms that can signal that it's time to contact the service:

  • The device chews on paper instead of shredding it
  • The quality of grinding has decreased: large pieces, etc. come across.
  • The shredder does not turn on when you insert the paper into it or, conversely, turns on spontaneously
  • There are strange extraneous sounds and noises during device operation that were not previously observed
  • The device does not turn on at all

That is, summarizing these symptoms, we can say that the repair of the shredder may be required if the device begins to behave in any non-standard way. As a rule, people, faced with minor problems, such as lowering the quality of the "cutting", do not rush to go to the service, but prefer to wait until the device fails altogether. This is completely wrong since a small breakdown is easier to fix than to restore a completely failed device. It should be noted that today many craftsmen do not have delivery qualifications to perform the necessary work. Taking on a rather responsible job, they do it according to the principle of "tyap-blooper" and, having partially restored the working capacity of the device, return it to the client. Such repairs are neither durable nor effective. We offer a completely different level of service.

Benefits of document shredding services

All our engineers are highly qualified, long-term work experience, as well as certificates of completion of training in the training centers for specialists of the world's leading manufacturers of office equipment. Therefore, we guarantee the performance of the equipment. The shredders have a 3-month warranty. We are attentive to each client and keep a strict record of incoming orders. Thanks to a well-established algorithm of work, we never have "lost" orders, the deadlines are almost always met, customers receive timely information about the repair process. Another important advantage is access to the spare parts warehouse.

In the matter of repairing office equipment, in fact, two components are important: the availability of qualifications and the necessary spare parts. We can guarantee that the qualifications of our craftsmen are very high, and the warehouse almost always, with very rare exceptions, has the necessary equipment in stock. Therefore, the repair work will be carried out quickly and efficiently.

Are you looking for Fort Collins paper shredding?

Our service is located in Windsor near Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley. You can always hand over your paper shredder, and very soon you will receive a refurbished device that will work at 100%. Many organizations trust us, because we have proven in practice that we can repair office equipment with high quality, and also advise on all issues related to it. Therefore, we will be happy to return the functionality to your device. Contact us!

Источник: Анатолий Валтасар 19 октября 2020

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